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Динамический язык программирования с открытым исходным кодом с упором на простоту и продуктивность. Он обладает элегантным синтаксисом, который приятно читать и легко писать.
A pre-configured and ready to run Spree web application, an open source e-commerce platform built with Ruby on Rails.
spree:3.2.1, postgresql:9.6.2, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset
A pre-configured and ready to run Spree web application, an open source e-commerce platform built with Ruby on Rails.
spree:3.2.1, mysqld:5.6.36, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset
A pre-configured and ready to run Solidus 2 web application, an open source fork of Spree, eCommerce application for high volume retailers, built with Ruby on Rails.
solidus:2.2.1, postgresql:9.6.2, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset
A pre-configured and ready to run Solidus 2 web application, an open source fork of Spree, eCommerce application for high volume retailers, built with Ruby on Rails.
solidus:2.2.1, mysqld:5.6.36, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset
A standard one-click install solution for Redmine 3.3, a free and open source, web-based project management and issue tracking tool with PostgreSQL as a database back-end.
redmine:3.3.3-jet-1, min-nginx:1.11.2, postgresql:9.6.2, selfmanagement_preset