
Набор системных утилит для сборки программ: компилятор языка C, make и другие.


Программный стек для приложений Node.JS


Окружение исполнения Python-приложений.


Оптимизированный для производительности программный стек для Ruby-приложений на базе Linux, MRI Ruby, Nginx, MySQL и Passenger.

Опциональные компоненты: Memcached, Redis.


Классический программный стек для Ruby-приложений на базе Linux, MRI Ruby, Apache, MySQL и Passenger.

Опциональные компоненты: Memcached, Redis.

A pre-configured and ready-to-use Node.js 7 web stack with Nginx.
nodejs:7.9.0, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset, development_preset, express_js_blank:1
A pre-configured and ready-to-use Node.js 7 web stack with Nginx.
nodejs:7.9.0, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset, development_preset, express_js_blank:1
Machine learning
A pre-configured and fully integrated software stack with TensorFlow, an open source software library for machine learning, and the Python programming language. It provides a stable and tested execution environment for training, inference, or running as an API service. The stack is designed for short and long-running high-performance tasks, and can be easily integrated into continuous integration and deployment workflows. It is built with the Intel MKL and MKL-DNN libraries and optimized for running on CPU.
tensorflow:1.8.0, python:3.6.3, development_preset:1
Machine learning
A pre-configured and fully integrated software stack with TensorFlow, an open source software library for machine learning, and the Python programming language. It provides a stable and tested execution environment for training, inference, or running as an API service. The stack is designed for short and long-running high-performance tasks, and can be easily integrated into continuous integration and deployment workflows. It is built with the Intel MKL and MKL-DNN libraries and optimized for running on CPU.
tensorflow:1.8.0, python:2.7.14, development_preset:1
A pre-configured and fully integrated minimal runtime environment with TensorFlow, an open source software library for machine learning, Keras, an open source neural network library, Jupyter Notebook, a browser-based interactive notebook for programming, mathematics, and data science, and the Python programming language. The stack is built with the Intel MKL and MKL-DNN libraries and optimized for running on CPU.
tensorflow:1.8.0, keras:2.1.6, python:3.6.3, jupyter_notebook:1.0.0, development_preset:1