
A powerful, enterprise class open source object-relational database system.

It is fully ACID compliant, has full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers, and stored procedures (in multiple languages). It includes most SQL:2008 data types, including INTEGER, NUMERIC, BOOLEAN, CHAR, VARCHAR, DATE, INTERVAL, and TIMESTAMP. It also supports storage of binary large objects, including pictures, sounds, or video. It has native programming interfaces for C/C++, Java, .Net, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, ODBC, among others.

PostgreSQL boasts sophisticated features such as Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC), point in time recovery, tablespaces, asynchronous replication, nested transactions (savepoints), online/hot backups, a sophisticated query planner/optimizer, and write ahead logging for fault tolerance. It supports international character sets, multibyte character encodings, Unicode, and it is locale-aware for sorting, case-sensitivity, and formatting. It is highly scalable both in the sheer quantity of data it can manage and in the number of concurrent users it can accommodate.


Гибкое веб-приложения для управления проектами.


Система управления содержимым (CMS), используемая также как каркас для веб-приложений (CMF), написанная на языке PHP и использующая в качестве хранилища данных реляционную базу данных


Бесплатная система управления контентом (CMS) и фреймворк для создания сайтов, написанный на языках PHP и JavaScript, использующая в качестве хранилища реляционные базы данных


Окружение веб-приложений c Linux, Apache, SQL-сервером баз данных PostgreSQL и PHP. PHP работает как модуль Apache mod_php.

Опциональные компоненты: Memcached, Redis, MongoDB, Tarantool.


Окружение веб-приложений c Linux, Nginx, SQL-сервером баз данных PostgreSQL и PHP. PHP работает в режиме php-fpm.

Опциональные компоненты: Memcached, Redis, MongoDB, Tarantool.

A pre-configured and ready to run Joomla 3 web application, a free and open-source content management system (CMS) for publishing web content, based on on PHP and JavaScript, running on completely integrated and optimized LEPP stack with the latest PHP 7.
joomla:3.7.2, php:7.1.4, postgresql:9.6.2, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset
A pre-configured and ready to run Drupal 8 web application, a free and open-source content-management system and framework, running on completely integrated and optimized LEPP stack with the latest PHP 7.
drupal:8.3.2, php:7.1.4, postgresql:9.6.2, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset
A pre-configured and ready to run Drupal 8 web application, a free and open-source content-management system and framework, running on the LAPP stack with the latest PHP 7.
drupal:8.3.2, php:7.1.4, postgresql:9.6.2, apache-httpd:2.4.25, selfmanagement_preset
A pre-configured and ready to run Drupal 7 web application, a free and open-source content-management system and framework, running on completely integrated and optimized LEPP stack.
drupal:7.54-jet-1, php:5.6.30, postgresql:9.6.2, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset
A pre-configured and ready to run Drupal 7 web application, a free and open-source content-management system and framework, running on the LAPP stack.
drupal:7.54-jet-1, php:5.6.30, postgresql:9.6.2, apache-httpd:2.4.25, selfmanagement_preset