
MariaDB Server is one of the most popular database servers in the world. It's made by the original developers of MySQL and guaranteed to stay open source.

Бесплатная популярная система управления содержимым сайта с открытым исходным кодом, работающая на PHP

Система управления содержимым (CMS), используемая также как каркас для веб-приложений (CMF), написанная на языке PHP и использующая в качестве хранилища данных реляционную базу данных

The maximum performance one-click install solution for Wordpress 4, a free and open-source content management system (CMS), running on completely integrated, pre-configured and optimized LEMP stack with the freshest version of PHP 7.
wordpress:4.7.5, php:7.1.4, mariadb-mysqld:10.1.22, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset, phpmyadmin:4.7.0

A pre-configured and optimized for better performance LEMP environment for web-applications with the next generation of PHP version 7. It is similiar to the LAMP stack, where Apache is replaced with the lightweight yet powerful Nginx, and PHP works in `php-fpm` mode.
min-nginx:1.11.2, mariadb-mysqld:10.1.22, php:7.1.4, selfmanagement_preset, phpmyadmin:4.7.0, memcached:1.4.36, redis:3.2.8

A pre-configured and optimized for better performance LEMP environment for web-applications with the next generation of PHP version 7. It is similar to the LAMP stack, where Apache is replaced with the lightweight yet powerful Nginx, and PHP works in `php-fpm` mode. The HTTPS-enabled web server runs with self-signed SSL certificate.
min-nginx:1.12.0, mariadb-mysqld:10.2.6, php:7.1.6, self_signed-ssl_webserver, selfmanagement_preset, phpmyadmin:4.7.2, memcached:1.4.36, redis:3.2.9

A pre-configured and optimized for better performance LEMP environment for web-applications. It is similar to the LAMP stack, where Apache is replaced with the lightweight yet powerful Nginx, and PHP works in `php-fpm` mode. The HTTPS-enabled web server runs with self-signed SSL certificate.
min-nginx:1.12.0, mariadb-mysqld:10.2.6, php:5.6.30, self_signed-ssl_webserver, selfmanagement_preset, phpmyadmin:4.7.2, memcached:1.4.36, redis:3.2.9

Pre-configured and optimized for better performance LAMP environment for web-applications with the next generation of PHP version 7 running as `mod_php`. The HTTPS-enabled web server runs with self-signed SSL certificate.
apache-httpd:2.4.26, mariadb-mysqld:10.2.6, php:7.1.6, self_signed-ssl_webserver, selfmanagement_preset, phpmyadmin:4.7.2, memcached:1.4.36, redis:3.2.9