
Установленное и полностью настроенное рабочее окружение, обеспечивающее возможности профессионального веб-хостинга или “платформы как услуги”, PaaS (веб-сервер, база данных, языки программирования и библиотеки).


Современное рабочее окружение веб-приложений c Linux, Nginx, MySQL и PHP. Оно подобно стеку LAMP, но вместо веб-сервера Apache использует более легковесный и быстрый сервер Nginx. PHP работает в режиме php-fpm.

Опциональные компоненты: Memcached, Redis, Tarantool.

A pre-configured and optimized for better performance LEMP environment for web-applications with the next generation of PHP version 7. It is similiar to the LAMP stack, where Apache is replaced with the lightweight yet powerful Nginx, and PHP works in `php-fpm` mode.
min-nginx:1.11.2, mariadb-mysqld:10.1.22, php:7.1.4, selfmanagement_preset, phpmyadmin:4.7.0, memcached:1.4.36, redis:3.2.8
A pre-configured and optimized for better performance LEMP environment for web-applications with the next generation of PHP version 7. It is similar to the LAMP stack, where Apache is replaced with the lightweight yet powerful Nginx, and PHP works in `php-fpm` mode. The HTTPS-enabled web server runs with self-signed SSL certificate.
min-nginx:1.12.0, mariadb-mysqld:10.2.6, php:7.1.6, self_signed-ssl_webserver, selfmanagement_preset, phpmyadmin:4.7.2, memcached:1.4.36, redis:3.2.9
A pre-configured and optimized for better performance LEMP environment for web-applications. It is similar to the LAMP stack, where Apache is replaced with the lightweight yet powerful Nginx, and PHP works in `php-fpm` mode. The HTTPS-enabled web server runs with self-signed SSL certificate.
min-nginx:1.12.0, mariadb-mysqld:10.2.6, php:5.6.30, self_signed-ssl_webserver, selfmanagement_preset, phpmyadmin:4.7.2, memcached:1.4.36, redis:3.2.9
A pre-configured and optimized for better performance LEMP environment for web-applications with the next generation of PHP version 7. It is similiar to the LAMP stack, where Apache is replaced with the lightweight yet powerful Nginx, and PHP works in `php-fpm` mode. The HTTPS-enabled web server supports Let's Encrypt SSL certificates.
min-nginx:1.12.0, mariadb-mysqld:10.2.6, php:7.1.6, letsencrypt-ssl_webserver, selfmanagement_preset, phpmyadmin:4.7.2, redis:3.2.8-jet-1
A pre-configured and optimized for better performance LEMP environment for web-applications. It is simular to the LAMP stack, where Apache is replaced with the lightweight yet powerful Nginx, and PHP works in `php-fpm` mode. The HTTPS-enabled web server supports Let's Encrypt SSL certificates.
min-nginx:1.12.0, mariadb-mysqld:10.2.6, php:5.6.30, letsencrypt-ssl_webserver, selfmanagement_preset, phpmyadmin:4.7.2, redis:3.2.8-jet-1